2 One Subject Spiral Notebooks (70 Pages Each Assorted Colors)1 Black & White Composition Book5 Two-Pocket Organizer Folders1 Zip Top Canvas Pencil Case (Assorted Colors)1 Twelve-Inch Ruler (Includes Metric Centimeters Assorted Colors)1 Five-Inch Blunt Tip Safety Scissor (ForRighties & Lefties Both!)6 #2 Pencils3 Pencil Cap Erasers 5 Ballpoint Ink Pens (2 Black 2 Blue 1 Red)5 Colored Pencils (Red Yellow Green & Blue)5 Markers (Assorted Colors)1 Dry Erase Board - 8.5 X 113 Dry Erase Markers 10 Crayons1 Pencil Sharpener with Dome Lid (Collects Shavings Assorted Colors)2 Easy Twist-Up Glue Sticks (Washable)3 Highlighters4 Pink Erasers1 Pair Of Black Earbuds
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